We are a 100% Volunteer-run organization. We love that our members want to get more involved and to help where they can. The following list of roles are ones which we still need volunteers for. If you possess the skills and would like to make a commitment to help with any of these roles, please contact us at info@100womencalgary.com.
Connection Team: This represents a pool of 20-30 individuals who are willing to make phone calls on behalf of the organization.
We do 2 types of phone calls:
1) Welcoming new members: This makes sure new members feel welcome and confirm that they are receiving our emails. This also gives new members a chance to ask questions, which can always be re-directed to info@100womencalgary, if the volunteer cannot answer the question.
2) Donation reminders: Over half of the donations received for each cheque presentation are donation that come in AFTER the meeting date. After a few email reminders, we take the remaining list of members who have not yet contacted us regarding their donation, and we ask that our volunteers phone these members to remind them, so that we can deliver the group’s donation in a timely manner to the recipient charity. The members are grateful for the reminder and the charity is grateful for the larger donation. Each phone call is potentially worth $100 to the recipient charity! We do need a large pool of volunteers for this role, in order to keep each volunteer’s phone list small and manageable. We would prefer to not ask any one volunteer to phone more than 15 people.
Event Team: This represents a pool of 10-15 individuals that can be drawn upon to help with various tasks at meetings, such as: registration desk, greeting/directing, ballot collecting, secretary, time-keeper, etc. We will put out a call prior to each meeting to this pool of volunteers to fill the necessary positions. We know that volunteers cannot always make it to every meeting, so we are looking for a pool of 10-15 members for our Event Team.
The following roles are individual roles which require more commitment:
Publicity & Promotion: write a press release before each meeting (or other events, such as cheque presentations) and send notices to the local media outlets about the meeting dates and times. This would equal a total of at least 8+ press releases. Post meetings to community event calendars. Liaise with media sponsor to provide meeting info and donation updates. Live tweet and post at meetings.
Community Fundraising Coordinator: Raises awareness and funds for local charities (with priority given to charities that have been nominated in the past by our members). Searches for opportunities to give back in our community (i.e. submit a team from our membership to participate in a charitable walk). This gives our members volunteer opportunities, if they are looking do do more than give donations.
Webpage Coordinator: updates the webpages as needed. Familiar with WordPress and webpage design. The updates required are time-sensitive and must be completed on specific dates (eg: List of all nominated charities updated to website 1 week prior to meeting; Details of meeting updated within 12 hours of meeting end, etc, etc.).